Friday, June 13, 2008

Don't Do it =]

I've been noticing. Girls usually say they're fat(Even thin ones) and want to go for diet and everything. Well Its not a bad thing. But what bad is is like when a girl only eat biscuits or breads or whatever insufficient of nutrients that will not even keep me full for 10 minutes.

Well tell you what girls, Dont do it =]. Its not a bad thing being abit meaty. U eat when u hungry. U dont struggle all along without eating. Thats just life risking. Life>Appearance. So think about it all over again. Why bother want to be skinnier when u are already skinny(If applies) ? Its not like its gonna change much more difference. U dont want the bones to be visible =] That looks more disgusting to me. For example take the song , MIKA - Big girls are beautiful. LOL Thats a good song =]. So dont go too far. Its not worth it.

Have a nice day.

Edit : As for guys, some(or most) of them wants to be muscular. Well guys u can ! Just dont slack. You can do it =].

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